

NextStop, 2019 [mixed media installation]

our ARTS255 Dynamic Interface Design studio art class is currently in the process of installing an interactive installation at Wellesley College in celebration of National Poetry Month. We are constructing a space that will combine technical set design, video/animation projections, and an interactive ticket system to trigger a immersive sensory experience of the T. there are 4 different poems we have chosen to focus on, and a user will receive a ticket (resembling a CharlieCard) that they can scan. when they scan their ticket, it will trigger the animation and video for that specific poem (influenced by the language, tone, and subject of that poem) inside the installation which will resemble the inside of a T train car, using real footage captured on the T in Boston that is projected onto the walls.

a collaborative class project, we have broken up into groups that are working in tandem. primarily, there are groups working on each poem and their animations, a group that is designing the tickets and barcode system, and a logistics and set design group that is working on planning the physical space and the contents inside. i am in this group, and we are currently CNC routing wooden cubes that will function as chairs inside the installation, as well as printing out large posters of the exterior of the subway to decorate the walls outside of the room.

_press: our installation was featured on Wellesley College’s The Daily Shot, linked here.

_process documentation of the finished installation:

A documentation video for ARTS255 Dynamic Interface Design Spring 2019 course's immersive installation in celebration of national poetry month created april 2019

_photo documentation: